Digital Nomad Visa

If during the last 12 months you have received deposits of at least USD$3,000 per month (or USD$4,000 if you are a couple), you can apply for a Digital Nomad VISA for up to 24 months.

Digital Nomads are exempt from paying income tax and social security, can open bank accounts and use their hometown driver license.

This type of residency covers the spouse, sons/daughters under 25 and the parents of the applicants.

Our approach is SIMPLE, we take care of everything ,coordinating with all professionals involved and getting all the appointments required. Do not stress, do not worry, we take care of all the process.


    • A valid and legal permit to stay within the territory of Costa Rica for a period of 12 months, with the right to extend it up to 24 months.

    • The right to open bank accounts;

    • The right to have the license driver recognised as valid during the period that the VISA is extended.

    • NO obligation to pay any INCOME TAX during the time of their VISA

    • No obligation to pay social security fees.

  • A certificate of income by a certified public accountant. We will need 12 month bank statements to proof the income.

  • In addition to the main document, it should be included the following:

    • Valid Pasport

    • Information of where you work

    • Selfie

    • Power of attorney

    • Informed consent

    Any document that is not in spanish must be translated with an official translator

  • 12 months, renewable for additional 12. After it you can apply for another type of category, or leave for 3 months, and re-apply.

  • The application process usually takes anytime between 4 and 6 weeks, depending on the processing time of the Dirección General de Migración y Extranjeria (DGME).

    This times can vary depending if we apply online, instead of the traditional application.

Expertise in Costa Rica immigration law

Herman Duarte, our founder, was invited by the Costa Rica Bar Association to give a conference on the legal and sociological aspects of the Digital Nomad VISA in Costa Rica.

Herman Duarte is highly regarded as an expert lawyer in different topics, including immigration and investment law in Costa Rica.