How Can I Obtain a Costa Rica Passport Through Investment?

About the Author

Herman Duarte,  founder of Simple Legal Consulting, is an immigrant from El Salvador who, after living in Costa Rica for 13 years, is now a proud Costa Rican. He holds master's degrees from Stockholm University and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Passionate about writing and research, Herman is widely recognized as one of the top lawyers in the region and a leading expert in investment and immigration law in Costa Rica. Drawing from his personal experience as an immigrant, Herman uniquely understands the challenges of navigating the immigration system and is dedicated to helping others successfully transition to life in Costa Rica.


Embark on an exciting journey to obtain your Costa Rica passport through investment. Discover the various paths available and the key steps required to make this dream a reality.

Introduction to Costa Rica Passport

Dreaming of holding a Costa Rica passport? This powerful document can be your key to global mobility and opportunities. Whether for travel, work, or simply expanding your horizons, a Costa Rica passport is a valuable asset to have.

Costa Rica, known for its natural beauty and welcoming culture, offers multiple avenues to obtain citizenship. Through strategic investment, you can pave your way to becoming a proud Costa Rican passport holder.

Investing in a Costa Rica passport is not just a transaction; it's an investment in your future. By exploring the available options, you can select the path that aligns with your goals and aspirations.

Investment Options for Obtaining Passport

One viable method to acquire a Costa Rica passport is through investment in the country's economy. By participating in approved investment programs, you are eligible to apply for a residency which is the first step in order to become a national, while contributing to the nation's growth while securing your own future.

Real estate investments in Costa Rica opens the door to apply for a residency, which eventually can also lead to citizenship eligibility. By owning property in this picturesque country, you not only gain a potential pathway to a passport but also a piece of paradise to call your own.

Moreover, investing in businesses or job creation projects in Costa Rica can open doors to citizenship. This approach not only benefits you personally but also adds value to the local economy.

Navigating the investment landscape in Costa Rica requires careful consideration and guidance and we are here to help. Consulting with legal and financial experts can help you make informed decisions that align with your long-term objectives.

Application Process

Once you've chosen your investment route, the application process for a Costa Rica passport begins. The first step, as stated, is to apply for a residency before the Immigration Agency (“Dirección General de Migración y Extranjería” “DGME”) this involves submitting documentation, attending interviews, and undergoing background checks. A complete list of documentation you can find it here.

Applying for a Costa Rica is the final step of being a resident for a period of time, as it requires that you apply for naturalization before the Supreme Electoral Tribunal authority , and go through additional background checks and fulfill additional requirements, such as the approval of a social studies and spanish exam. Once you are considered a national, you can get an appointment to obtain your costarican biometrical passport, which shows a structured process that requires attention to detail and compliance with legal requirements. Engaging professional assistance, such as Plan B by Simple Legal Consulting, can streamline this journey.

The application process for citizenship through investment demands diligence and patience. By following the prescribed steps and meeting the necessary criteria, you inch closer to realizing your goal of Costa Rican citizenship.

Residency Requirements

In addition to the investment aspects, residency requirements play a crucial role in obtaining a Costa Rica passport. You may need to reside in the country for a specified period before becoming eligible for citizenship.

Becoming a legal resident of Costa Rica is a milestone on the path to citizenship. By fulfilling residency obligations, such as maintaining a physical presence and engaging with the local community, you demonstrate your commitment to the country.

Residency requirements may vary based on the investment option chosen. Whether a period of 5 or 7 years is required, each step towards residency brings you closer to the ultimate goal of holding a Costa Rica passport.

Final Steps and Considerations

As you near the final stages of your journey towards a Costa Rica passport, meticulous attention to detail is paramount. Ensuring all paperwork is in order and meeting all eligibility criteria are vital to a successful outcome.

Embarking on the path to Costa Rican citizenship through investment requires dedication and perseverance. By staying informed, seeking guidance when needed, and remaining committed to the process, you can navigate the complexities with confidence.

Transitioning from investor to citizen is a significant step, and careful consideration of the final steps is essential. By understanding the requirements, timelines, and potential challenges, you can proactively address any issues that may arise.

Navigating the Path to Costa Rica Citizenship

In conclusion, acquiring a Costa Rica passport through investment is possible and opens up a world of opportunities and possibilities. By considering the investment options, application process, residency requirements, and final steps, you can effectively navigate this pathway towards citizenship. But you must remember that this is a two step process: first, obtaining a legal residency and depending of your background you will have to hold that status for a period of 5 or 7 years; and second, to undertake an application process before the Electoral Supreme Tribunal, submitting a series of documents and proofing your eligibility to nationality.

Required Documentation:

  1. Application letter

  2. Documents drafted with a notary

  3. Notarial power of attorney

    1. Passport certification

    2. DIMEX certification (ideally encompassing all that you have possessed)

    3. Notarial sworn statement from two witnesses who are acquainted with you, aware of your means of living and good conduct

    4. Your own sworn declaration stating: you have not committed any misdemeanors, you commit to abiding by the laws of Costa Rica, you will usually reside in the country, and you renounce your original nationality.

    5. Note on Renunciation of Nationality: This is merely a sworn declaration that does not have legal effects in your country of origin.

    6. Birth certificate and criminal record (6 months max.) from your country of origin, both of which must be apostilled and translated by an official translator.

    7. Certification from a public accountant (CPA) regarding income (I can assist in coordinating with an accountant)

    8. Passport size photographs (5)

    9. Approve the test of Spanish and social studies:

    10. Individuals over the age of 65 are exempt from the nationality test (Spanish and social studies).

      1. More info:

    11. Publication of an edict ($25 additional expense)

Procedure Duration and Fees:
The process generally spans 12-18 months. To initiate, securing an online appointment is necessary, which may be challenging to obtain (approximately 2-3 months from today's date).


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