Why Border Runs are Bad and Should Be Avoided: The Importance of Legal Residency in Costa Rica

About the Author

Herman Duarte,  founder of Simple Legal Consulting, is an immigrant from El Salvador who, after living in Costa Rica for 13 years, is now a proud Costa Rican. He holds master's degrees from Stockholm University and the London School of Economics and Political Science. Passionate about writing and research, Herman is widely recognized as one of the top lawyers in the region and a leading expert in investment and immigration law in Costa Rica. Drawing from his personal experience as an immigrant, Herman uniquely understands the challenges of navigating the immigration system and is dedicated to helping others successfully transition to life in Costa Rica.

Contact: www.simplecr.com hd@simple-legal.consulting


Relocating to Costa Rica is an exciting prospect for many expats seeking to embrace the 'Pura Vida' lifestyle. However, a common yet problematic strategy that some individuals resort to is the practice of border runs. While border runs may seem like a convenient way to extend a stay in Costa Rica, they come with significant drawbacks and risks. This article explores why border runs are a bad idea and underscores the importance of securing legal residency for a smooth, hassle-free life in Costa Rica.

Understanding Border Runs

Border runs involve leaving Costa Rica and re-entering after a short period to reset the visa clock, thereby extending one’s stay without applying for legal residency. Typically, this entails crossing into a neighboring country, such as Nicaragua or Panama, and returning to Costa Rica after a few days. While this practice is widespread among tourists and some long-term visitors, it is fraught with issues that can create significant problems.

The Drawbacks of Border Runs

Legal Risks and Uncertainty

Border runs place individuals in a legal gray area. Immigration authorities in Costa Rica are increasingly aware of this practice and may deny re-entry if they suspect someone is abusing the system. This can lead to being stranded at the border, facing fines, or even a ban from re-entering Costa Rica. The uncertainty of border runs can create a precarious living situation, making it difficult to plan for the future.

Time and Financial Costs

Frequent border runs are time-consuming and can become costly. Travel expenses, accommodation costs in the neighboring country, and potential legal fees add up quickly. Instead of spending money on these periodic trips, it would be more cost-effective to invest in the legal residency process, which offers stability and peace of mind.

Stress and Inconvenience

The need to repeatedly leave the country disrupts daily life and can be highly stressful. Coordinating travel plans, ensuring compliance with entry and exit requirements, and dealing with unpredictable border conditions can take a toll on one's mental health and overall well-being. Legal residency, on the other hand, allows for a stable and uninterrupted lifestyle.

Limited Access to Essential Features

Without legal residency, individuals lack access to crucial features such as digital signatures ("firma electrónica"), which are essential for various transactions and official documents in Costa Rica. This limitation can hinder one's ability to conduct personal and business affairs efficiently.

Negative Image with Locals

Border runners often contribute little to local taxes and social security systems, creating a negative perception among locals. This lack of contribution can lead to resentment and a sense of being unwelcome in the community, making it harder to integrate and enjoy life in Costa Rica fully.

Risk of Deportation

Engaging in border runs can increase the risk of deportation. Authorities are cracking down on this practice, and being caught can result in immediate deportation. This abrupt end can shatter dreams and aspirations, turning all plans and investments into nothing but air.

The Importance of Legal Residency

Legal Security and Stability

Obtaining legal residency provides a secure and stable status in Costa Rica. Residents are protected by the country's immigration laws and can enjoy their stay without the constant fear of deportation or legal complications. This legal security is essential for long-term planning and settling down comfortably.

Access to Healthcare and Social Services

Legal residents have access to Costa Rica’s public healthcare system, known as the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social (CCSS). This access ensures that individuals can receive medical care when needed, an essential aspect of living abroad. Additionally, legal residents can access other social services and benefits, contributing to a higher quality of life.

Opportunities for Integration

Legal residency allows for greater integration into Costa Rican society. Residents can engage more fully in community life, participate in local events, and build meaningful relationships with locals and other expats. This integration enriches the living experience and fosters a sense of belonging.

Eligibility for Long-Term Benefits

Over time, legal residents may become eligible for permanent residency or even citizenship, offering long-term benefits and greater freedom to travel and work. This legal pathway provides a clear and structured process for those wishing to make Costa Rica their permanent home.


While border runs might seem like an easy solution for extending a stay in Costa Rica, they are fraught with legal, financial, and personal risks that outweigh any temporary convenience. Pursuing legal residency is a far better approach, providing stability, security, and a host of benefits that enhance the overall expat experience. For those serious about making Costa Rica their home, investing in the legal residency process is not only wise but essential.

Contact Simple Legal Consulting

Navigating the legal residency process can be complex, but with the right guidance, it becomes manageable and straightforward. At Simple Legal Consulting, we specialize in helping expats secure their legal residency in Costa Rica. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and efficient application process, providing you with the peace of mind you deserve. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in making Costa Rica your permanent home.


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