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Plan B Costa Rica Immigration Lawyers by Simple Legal Consulting

We provide strategic advice on Costa Rica immigration and nationality law to individuals, families, SMEs and corporate clients.

Our focus is to cover all the needs of those who want to migrate to Costa Rica.

Our approach is SIMPLE: we put clients first, prioritize them with a fast response rate, respect their budgets with fix prices and provide a problem-solving stance.

Our Services

We are expert lawyers in Costa Rica for investment and immigration cases. We represent companies and individuals before the General Directorate of Migration and Foreigners (DGME) and Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) in order to help them obtain legal status to live in the country (residencies, visas and naturalizations).

Herman Duarte, Managing Director

He has more than 12 years of experience practicing law, a master's degree from Stockholm University and a master's degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) as a Chevening Scholar. Passionate about writing and research, he has published 2 books and more than 200 publications in the press.

Herman is an immigrant, hard worker, dedicated and passionate lawyer who provides a top quality and a fast pace rhythm of answers to all his clients. He is acclaimed as one of the best attorneys in the region, as stated by the Chambers & Partners Global Legal Guide and is highlighted as an attorney by the honorable United Kingdom Embassy in Costa Rica (there are 34,000 lawyers and in this list there are only 31 mentioned)


Expertise in Costa Rica immigration law

Herman Duarte, our founder, was invited by the Costa Rica Bar Association to give a conference on the legal and sociological aspects of the Digital Nomad VISA in Costa Rica.

Herman Duarte is highly regarded as an expert lawyer in different topics, including immigration and investment law in Costa Rica.